Home $ Non categorizzato $ EcoPack CONAI 2023: the eco-design award for our 100% paper pet food bag

EcoPack CONAI 2023: the eco-design award for our 100% paper pet food bag

Ecodesign and circular economy are two essential drivers in our sustainable business approach: the design of our packaging is focused on the efficient use of resources and materials, and on the detailed analysis of recyclability and facilitation of recycling activities for the consumers. For the second year consecutively, we received the CONAI Ecopack award for Ecodesign, as a result of successfully reduction of the environmental impact of a 100% paper bag dedicated to pet food. The award by CONAI, the Italian manufacturers and consumers association that guarantees proper packaging recycling and reuse, recognizes and rewards the most innovative and sustainable packaging solutions launched during 2022-2023. The award represents a renewed encouragement to continue investing in making our packaging solutions more sustainable through the levers of eco-design and contributes to point out the importance of packaging in the sustainability strategies of companies and brands. Packaging ecodesign is a complex activity that must consider environmental impacts at all stages of its life and requires research, investments, and a clear vision of the future.